masukkan Film disini

Senin, 13 April 2009


Things are becoming very, very, interesting in the TRANSFORMERS sequel saga. Well, they would be if I was interested in the franchise, but I’m here to report all things important here at Obsessed With Film so I will soldier on.

Box Office Mojo are reporting that TRANSFORMERS 2 will be in theatres on June 26th 2009, which either means a quick shoot after next summer’s strike (which would really have to be rushed) or it means it’s being fast-tracked as a pre-strike movie in which it will have to be completed by June 08 (also a rush).

So what exactly is going on here?

Only a few days ago, Michael Bay said Paramount were stalling on a TRANSFORMERS sequel and he threatened to ‘jump ship’ to what we believed would either be PRINCE OF PERSIA or 2012: THE WAR OF SOULS.

Has the stalling baited Paramount to rush the sequel before it’s ready? Have they given in to Bay’s demands? Or are they looking for a new helmer now?

We haven’t heard the last on this one. Either way, a June 2009 release date seems like a tight schedule to be… and a hell of a risk but it might be smart to strike whilst the robot iron is hot. And what happens to the likes of VOLTRON and ROBOTECH which were looking to beat a TRANSFORMERS sequel to the punch?

Paramount are smart to bring out another movie in 2009, but have they left it to late to get things moving?


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